(CO) AQ7CO Honeywell Carbon Monoxide Sensor

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Product Details:

Product Description
Brand Honeywell
Model no. AQ7CO (ABQ707-400)
Technology 4-electrode electrochemical
Measurement Range 0 ppm CO to 20 ppm CO
Maximum Overload 50 ppm CO
Onboard Filter to remove SOx/NOx/H2S and O3
Sensitivity* 375 nA/ppm ±125 nA/ppm
Response Time (T90) < 60 seconds
Resolution* 10 ppb
Baseline Offset* <±200 nA
Repeatability* < ±3 % of signal
Linearity** linear
Low Detection Limit* 40 ppb
Recommended Load Resistor 68 Ω
Sensor Bias Voltage O mV
Weight 9 g
Outer Plastic Body Material ABS
Contact Material copper with gold coating
Operating Temperature Range -30°C to 50°C (55°C intermittent***)
Operating Humidity Range 15 %RH to 90 %RH non-condensing
Recommended Storage Temperature 0°C to 20° in original sealed container
Typical Applications ambient environmental monitoring
Storage Life 6 months in original sealed container
Expected Operating Life two years in air

Above specifications mentioned are for quick reference only. Actual technical details has to be obtained from below catalog.



(CO) AQ7CO Honeywell Sensor Series are for environmental applications; other applications, including industrial safety, may not be suitable.

Honeywell has designed the AQ Series with algorithmic compensation that gives users very high resolution and long-term stability.

These sensors are designed to be used in environmental applications with a variety of gases detected: Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2).

AQ7 Series gas sensors are designed to be highly specific to the gas they are intended to measure, they will still respond to some degree to various other gases, achieving individual compensation for temperature and cross sensitivity


  • High resolution
  • Low detection limit
  • High correlation with control station
  • Individual compensation for temperature and cross sensitivity

Gas sensors is design for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However, it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapors should avoid during storage, fitting into instruments, and operation. When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents is use before the sensor is fitting. Do not glue directly on or near the sensor as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic.

Cross Sensitivity Table
Whilst AQ7 Series gas sensors is design for highly specific to the gas is use to measure, they will still respond to some degree to various other gases.

Buy Honeywell (CO) AQ7CO Sensor from Indus Corporation, Mumbai

Brand-Honeywell, Model no.-AQ7CO (ABQ707-400), Technology- 4-electrode electrochemical, Measurement Range- 0 ppm CO to 20 ppm CO, Maximum Overload- 50 ppm CO, Onboard Filter-to remove SOx/NOx/H2S and O3, Sensitivity- *375 nA/ppm ±125 nA/ppm, Response Time-(T90)< 60 seconds, Resolution*-10 ppb, Baseline Offset*-<±200 nA, Repeatability*- < ±3 % of signal, Linearity**-linear, Low Detection Limit*- 40 ppb, Recommended Load Resistor- 68 Ω, Sensor Bias Voltage-O mV, Weight- 9 g, Outer Plastic Body Material- ABS, Contact Material- copper with gold coating, Operating Temperature Range- -30°C to 50°C (55°C intermittent***), Operating Humidity Range- 15 %RH to 90 %RH non-condensing,