AAY80-390 (4OXV) City Technology Oxygen Sensor

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Product Details: 

Product Description
Brand City Technology
Model Number AAY80-390 (4OXV)
Technology Electrochemical
Measurement Range 1-25% vol. O2
Maximum Overload 30% vol. O2
Output Signal* 0.10 ± 0.02 mA in Air
Response Time (T90) <15 Seconds
Zero Current (Offset) <0.6% vol. O2
Linearity Can be considered linear in
many cases.
See Operating Principles
(OP-02) for further details.
Recommended Load Resistor 100 Ω
Casing Material ABS
Weight <16 g
Orientation Sensitivity <0.2% vol. O2
Operating Temperature Range -20°C to +50°C (up to 3 months
continuous across RH range)
Recommended Storage Temp 0°C to 20°C
Thermal Transient <23.5% vol. O2
Operating Pressure Range Atmospheric ± 20%
Pressure Coefficient <0.02% signal/mbar
Pressure Transient <200% signal change
Relative Humidity Range (at 0°C to 20°C)
Long Term Output Drift* <2% signal/month
Typically <5% over operating life

Above specifications mentioned are for quick reference only. Actual technical details has to be obtained from below catalog.


AAY80-390 (4OXV) Oxygen Sensor

40XV Oxygen sensor.

Key Features and Benefits :

• False alarm immunity
• Enhanced response time in extreme applications
• Reliably meets stated life
• Superior environmental performance


Typical Applications
General purpose, portable or fixed life safety.

CiTiceLs are designed for operation in a wide range of environments and harsh conditions. However it is important that exposure to high concentrations of solvent vapours is avoided, both during storage, fitting into instruments, and operation. When using sensors with printed circuit boards (PCBs), degreasing agents should be used before the sensor is fitted. Do not glue directly on or near the CiTiceL as the solvent may cause crazing of the plastic.

Cross Sensitivity Data
Toxic gases at TLV levels will have no cross-sensitivity effect on Oxygen CiTiceLs. At very high levels (i.e. percent levels), highly oxidising gases (e.g. ozone, chlorine) will interfere to the extent of their oxygen equivalent, but most other commonly occurring gases will have no effect.
Acid Gases

IMPORTANT NOTE: Acid gases such as CO2 and SO2 will be absorbed by the electrolyte and tend to increase the flux of oxygen to the electrode. This gives an enhanced oxygen signal of approximately 0.3% of signal per 1% CO2. Oxygen CiTiceLs are not suitable for continuous operation in concentrations of CO2 above 25%.