112TW1-3 Honeywell Toggle Switch

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Product Details:

Product Description
Brand Honeywell
Model No. 112TW1-3
Description miniature military-grade toggle switch
Sealing qualified to MIL-DTL-83731
Operating temperature -65 °C to 71 °C [-85 °F to 160 °F]
Actuators standard, locking, special design, paddle
Action 2- or 3- position; momentary and maintained
Mounting bushing 15/32 in (0.47 in) Ø; 1/4 in (0.25 in) Ø
Terminations IWTS, solder (T and T2), quick connect (H58)
Contacts fine silver or gold-plated
Amp rating 0.1 A to 5.0 A @ 0.5 Vdc to 28 Vdc
0.1 A to 5.0 A @ 0.5 Vac to 115 Vac
Approvals UL, qualified to MIL-DTL-83781

Above specifications mentioned are for quick reference only. Actual technical details has to be obtained from below catalog.



112TW1-3 Honeywell Toggle Switch

Honeywell MICRO SWITCH TW Series toggle switches are military qualified to MIL-83731 specifications for sealed and unsealed toggle switches. Quality construction features include an available bonded seal between the toggle lever and bushing for those applications where a sealing-related failure cannot be tolerated.
The durable design of the TW Series toggle is well-suited for many military, aerospace and other demanding applications where space behind the panel is limited. These applications include environments where the panels are subjected to mechanical shock, vibration, dust, splashing or hose-directed water, and temperature extremes.
MICRO SWITCH TW toggles feature a miniature militarygrade design with environmental sealing capabilities and can
be configured with a large selection of circuitries, electrical
terminations, lever and bushing designs, and contact material
options to satisfy a diverse range of applications.